"The Bailout Reader" at the bottom has mountains of great stuff and this site shows conclusively, that the Austrian Economists foresaw this problem years in advance. Chalk up another one for the true-free-marketers!
I will be continuously updating this post with new stuff, so keep checking back
Great Video Explaining the Bailout and it's Total Cost of 8.5 Trillion
Why Paulson is Wrong. by Luigi Zingales (Robert C. Mc Cormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago).
Some frank discussion with Jim Rogers.
Bailouts Will Lead to Rough Economic Ride. by Congressman Ron Paul (cnn.com)
Ron Paul Predicted the Housing Bubble in 2002. Speech from the floor of the house.
Former Bush Treasury Secretary Says Bush Doesn't Get the Crisis. (abcnews.com)
Over 150 Economists Oppose Bailout. (bloomberg.com)
Harvard Economist, One of 166 to Oppose Bailout. by Jeffrey Miron, cnn.com
The Bailout Reader. (Von Mises Institute)
The "Humpty Dumpty" Bailout Plan. By Joshua James Brown
German Chancellor Criticizes US "Cheap Money"
Bailout Raises Libertarian Market Value
George Will: Welcome to Socialism
Bailout Still Lack Oversight, Despite Billions Pledged
Now Dems Seek to Bailout Auto Industry
Fed Refuses to Identify 2 Trillion in Bailout Loans
Lobbyist Sworm the Treasury for Piece of the Bailout Pie
The Secrecy of the Bailout
Surprise! The Government Isn't Going to do What it Said with the Bailout Money
Is the Bailout Constitutional?
Libertarians: Needed Now More than Ever
Why Paulson is Wrong. University of Chicago Economist, Luigi Zingales
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