5 Problems With the Financial Reform Bill (Frank/Dodd)

It is no surprise the Sen. Chris Dodd is authoring this new financial reform bill. First, he has a long history of being a corporate tool, who passionately bad-mouth's (what he calls) "corporations." Dodd had no chance of winning reelection in Connecticut, so he has no accountability for what he does this year. Its hard to believe he didn't really want to run again, considering he just ran for President two years ago.

As for Rep. Barney Frank, you have someone who fundamentally disagrees with the very concept of a free market, and he is not shy about it.

Alas, we get the Frank/Dodd financial reform bill. And again, this legislation is toxic. In this article, you have a good, logical case laid out against it by a respected scholar. I also suggest reading Posner's follow up, which is on the same feed.

Click here for the full story.

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